Navigating through the Shifts tab

You will be able to view all your bookings, on the "Shifts" screen. The Shifts that are accepted as well as pending, can be viewed in the list view or from the calendar view. 111-Aug-27-2023-03-37-36-8793-AM

  • Pending shifts

These are shifts that you have applied for and are pending approval. Shifts suitable for you, where you have applied but are under the selection process. 

  • Accepted shifts

These are the list of jobs that you have applied for and have been accepted by the care home for you to complete the shifts. 

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Once you have applied, you will be able to get an overview of the approved and pending shifts in this “shifts” tab.


You can view a detailed demonstration of the functionality of the mobile application here.

If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact us.