Edit and Delete Teams

Once you have created your teams, you might have the need to edit them or remove them. You can do so by following these steps.

 - View our step-by-step article on how to create a team here.


Edit Teams

If you want to edit any team information, add new members, or remove members from an already existing team, 

1. Navigate to the organisation tab on the top left.

2. Click on the teams tab right below the organisation tab

3. Simply select the Update button on the Teams tab.

4. This allows you to edit the details in your team.

5. Make the required changes and ensure that you click Save Changes before exiting the page.


Delete Teams

If you want to delete a team,
  • Select the required team from the left panel and click the Delete button on the top. 
  • Click Remove to delete a member of a team. 


If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact us.