This article outlines how the Care Hires Software performs as a solution to Stakeholder's Care-related needs and wants.
The neutral vendor market is made up primarily of large neutral vendors, along the lines of Neuven, GRI, Matrix, etc. But all of these neutral vendors do not have comprehensive software systems. Instead their core business model is ‘supply chain management’ through a simple rota system with no flexibility or ingenuity. Making a robust model very boring and one dimensional.
At Care Hires we believe it’s a holistic approach that creates the best customer experience. Instead of just managing external agencies which accounts for less than 30% of a typical services staffed hours, we want to account for 100% of their rotas, and the back-end tech staff that powers it. Therefore we’re currently building a care solution that includes:
- Neutral Vendor (Core product)
- Internal Rota Management system
- Core staff (App)
- Bank staff (App)
- Training Platform / Integration
- Provider internal staff Training Platform
- Transaction fees for Training Certificates
- Agency staff Training Platform
- Transaction fees for Training Certificates
- Internal Staff Management
- Compliance
- Employment Information
- Contract Information
- HR Management
- Payroll
- Internal Staff Payment
- News Bulletin
- Timeline of information
- Document attachments
This software solution will be the first holistic technology stack of its kind in the care market. Available for care homes and agencies alike.
If you have any questions regarding this article, please contact a member of the team on +44 (011)6 4822 999. Alternatively, send an email to we will be able to assist you.